Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Spinanes - "Lines and Lines"

The Spinanes - "Lines and Lines": "I don't even know where to start: Not only did Rebecca Gates just play in S.F., but she did this amazing Spinanes song (which sounded great solo acoustic), but she also did new songs and a cover of 'St. Ides Heaven' (which is sort of not a cover, since she was on the original), but she also talked about her band and new music perhaps even maybe this year, but she also talked about coming back to S.F. in a couple of months with her band, but she also made me realize that Ted Leo was in her Arches & Aisles band before I knew who he was, but she also gave me a hug!!!! [HEAD EXPLODES DUE TO EXCESS OF AWESOMENESS]"

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