Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Talking Heads - "Electric Guitar"

Talking Heads - "Electric Guitar": "It's such a low-key moment, but it always seemed so cooly dangerous to me when David Byrne intones that he will 'purjure myself / right in front of the jury.' It's the understated way he acknowledges it that makes it seem even more lawless.
I also love so many of the musical elements of this song - the quick upward guitar part during the chorus, the shuffling drums and the way the bass line is distorted to sound like an electronic tuba. Nothing radical on their own, but the way they all sound together gives a whole palate of sounds to a seemingly flat-sounding song.
By the way, this song is brought to you by my Word of The Day -
sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority."

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